Thursday, May 10, 2012

The 99%

This person has gone through extensive education, yet they still can't find a job, and the jobs that are available don't pay enough to support a life. In a more fair situation, everyone would be able to find jobs for the profession they are passionate about, and these jobs would pay well. This person obviously is very educated and probably was a part of a higher class, but now that they can't have a job in which they are well qualified for, their social class drops. I chose this image because it kinds of scares me that I can go through so much education and work really hard and still get screwed over by the job market.

Alvin can't afford a college education and cannot get a good paying job without having a college education, so he is stuck in a very bad cycle. In a more fair situation, FAFSA would be more accommodating and cover all need based aid. This person is going to be a part of the lower class due to his lack of education and lack of job experience. However, if Alvin had enough financial aid to pay for college, he may have gotten a better job after and moved up on the social class ladder. I chose this image because I'm in the process of financial aid and figuring out how to afford college.

This person is afraid to go to college because of how much it costs. His/her parents are also forced to work into old age because they're still looking for jobs. In a more fair situation, his/her parents would be able to find stable jobs and he/she would feel comfortable going to college. This person obviously wants to go to college, but since they don't believe they can, they will easily become a part of the poorer class because they themselves won't be able to get a good job without a college education, which they can't afford. I chose this image because it relates to college, and I'm always afraid that college will be too expensive, but it does seem necessary in order to get a good job. 

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