Sunday, January 29, 2012

Doing Nothing

Doing nothing is harder than it seems. When we sit in front of the TV or go on the computer or take a nap we feel like we're doing nothing, and we say we're doing nothing, but actually we're doing something. Sitting and being silent and clearing your mind is a lot harder. I chose to be silent before I went into a dance class. I just sat and thought and nobody questioned me or asked what I was doing. For me, doing nothing is hard because I think it's a waste of time. I'm a really busy person, and I barely have enough time to eat during the day, so why spend ten minutes sitting when I could be exercising or eating or catching up with friends who I don't get to talk to during the day? I get that doing nothing is supposed to clear your mind and let you notice what's going on around you, but for me the way I do that is through listening to music or going on a walk, not through doing "nothing".

When you think about it, doing nothing is still doing something. You can never be doing nothing because you're always thinking and breathing and taking note of your surroundings. Doing nothing is a task many people try to do, but I think it's near impossible.

1 comment:

  1. I agree when I was doing nothing also, I got really bored easily. Especially since you said you were a busy person, I can imagine how much harder it could of been for you not being able to keep up with your busy schedule. I agree with you when you said that sometimes we feel like were doing nothing like sleeping, but it really is something. We really don't realize what "Nothing" means until we actually experience it. Especially since all the things we have today in society make it harder to do noting.
